“But the LORD is the true God, He is the living God, and an everlasting King” (Jeremiah 10:10).
Jeremiah lived in very perilous times. Wickedness continued to increase, and the number of committed believers continued to decrease. Jeremiah was God’s prophet in an extremely important time in the history of Judah. The Lord continued to extend His grace and call upon His people to return to Him. Through Jeremiah, God warned people powerfully of the dangers they faced as they continued rejecting Him. In an increasingly pagan society, Jeremiah remained focused on the true and the living God. What a great encouragement and lesson for us today. As our own beloved country slides further and further into immorality and secularism, we need to be instruments of truth just like Jeremiah. To accomplish this we need to remember that our great God is the true God who lives eternally. As the King, He remains fully in control of all things. What a great blessing to us on our journey today!
For today: I need to focus on the Lord as I stand for the truth. How about you?