“Thus shall you say unto them, that gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens by His discretion” (Jeremiah 10:11-12).
Julianna and Robert were on a cross-country flight on business for their company. After reviewing the last minute details of their presentation, they closed their books and settled in for the remainder of the flight. Robert said to his coworker, “We were talking a couple of weeks ago about your view of creation and my view of evolution. It would seem to me that it doesn’t really matter how we got here, we all just need to get along because what we have now is all we’re going to get.” Julianna took another sip of her orange juice and said, “That’s the whole key. Truly it does matter how we got here. It makes an eternity of difference. Evolution and so-called ‘science’ are your gods. You believe that you are here by chance and that someday when you die, it will all be over. I believe that the Bible is God’s holy Word. I believe with all my heart that God is my awesome Creator and my eternal Lord. Science proves that He stretched out the heavens just as the Bible says He did. Someday I will be with Him forever. Those that reject His offer of salvation will be apart from Him forever, Bob, in a place the Bible calls the Lake of Fire. It really does matter, Bob, and when you are ready, I would love to show you from the Bible how you can become a Christian.” It was quite a conversation that they had at 37,000 feet. How about you? Do you know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior?
For today: I am glad that the Lord is not only my Creator, He is my Savior as well. How about you? Do you know Him?