“Why Do You Call This Home? You Never Lived Here Mom!”
Karen’s Update November 28, 2015
It has been a tremendous Thanksgiving season. From the time that Karen’s cancer was diagnosed we knew that every day we had together would be a time of celebration. As we held each other in our arms we wondered if she would still be here with me by Thanksgiving. Would she still be here enjoying the love and laughter of her family? Or would I be driving alone to the home of one of my children for our family gathering?
As we awakened before I could say anything she whispered “I’m here!” Our Thanksgiving celebrated before the turkey left the refrigerator and long before any of our children and grandchildren arrived. My Karen has experienced a tremendous open door of opportunity to share her testimony with medical personnel, other cancer patients, and people she has met. Always she uses the term “win-win” in her testimony. She explains that either she is able to stay with her family which is a winning situation or she will go Home to be with the Lord which is really winning.
I truly want to thank the Lord that He has allowed me to enjoy having my wife still with me. I have liked Karen from the third grade. I have loved her since High School. I am thankful for every day. Bless her heart. She is such a trooper. How she enjoyed her family over this past holiday. She’s really tired and doesn’t feel too well right now. But she is so happy. She’s so thrilled that the Lord has helped her in such incredible ways.
A profound theological lesson took place in the last several days. Standing in our living room, one of our young grandchildren asked her mommy, “Why do you call this place ‘home’ if you never lived here with grandma and grandpa?” Her mom’s answer hit the target. She replied, “Because this is where my mom and dad live. Wherever they are is home to me.”
The sights of Heaven will be grand. The incredible city with its unparalleled beauty will be breath taking. But I don’t think that’s what will make Heaven feel like home to me. The tree of life with its fruit bearing capability will be unimaginable. But I don’t think that’s what will make Heaven feel like home to me. My family who has gone on before me being reunited with me forever is something for which I long. But I don’t think that’s what will make Heaven feel like home to me. So what makes Heaven home to me? The answer is as simple and yet profound as the answer my daughter gave to her child. “My Father lives there. Wherever He is will be Home to me.”
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you; I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:1-3). In the presence of my Savior because the church is united to Him, living in His Father’s house with the redeemed of the ages will make it home indeed.
My dear Karen is in a stretch of fatigue, nausea, and trouble sleeping. We are hoping that by next week she should start to feel a little better. When our family had devotions around the Thanksgiving table, we had the opportunity of sharing a few things for which we are thankful. As I opened this time to my family I saw many looking at their mom and grandma. So you know me, Michael of many words, I said, “Let me go first.” I looked at Karen and said, “Honey, I know you don’t want to be the center of attention. But we are all very thankful to the Lord that you are here with us and doing as well as you are doing. We know that you do not feel really well; but you look beautiful.” I was right. She didn’t like being the center of attention. But I wanted to say what everyone around the table was thinking.
Thanks so much for your prayers for my Karen. The day will come when we will get to go home. Wouldn’t it be something if the Rapture occurred today?