“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).
Yesterday we spoke about the word “hope.” We remembered that it is not a wishful situation; rather it is a “joyful expectation in the Lord.” A dear couple by the name of Everett and Paulette were growing greatly in their newfound faith. As Paulette put it, “Ernie used to worry about everything. Things are changing now that he knows the Lord. I see that he has a wonderful confidence in the Scriptures and in the Lord. What a blessing this is to both of us.” Several couples joined Everett and Paulette Washington for dinner that warm summer evening. As Everett stood on the patio grilling, the other men were nearby talking with him about the change that had taken place in his life. Bill Watson commented, “Ernie, you are different man. I used to tease you about all your fretting and worrying. You’re different, my friend. Not that it’s bad. In fact, it’s good. So what’s going on?” While Everett continued checking the meat on the grill, he gladly replied to Bill and the other man, “Yeah man, I know you used to tease me about worrying. It’s not that I don’t care about things anymore. It’s that I have come to know Christ as my personal Savior. A wonderful confidence has come into my life because I realize that the Lord knows me personally according to John 10:14. Do you know that the Lord Jesus said, ‘I am the good shepherd and know my sheep’? He knows me. He calls me one of His sheep, and He is my Shepherd. Guys, it really has changed my life, and I am eager to tell you how you can know this Lord Jesus as not only your Savior, but also as your Shepherd. It will change your life forever.” It was a wonderful evening with their friends at a great time of sharing more about their Shepherd.
For today: We believers belong to the great Shepherd. What an awesome privilege.