Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for the very kind notes and messages assuring us that you have been praying for my Karen. We are home from the surgeon’s office and I am so happy to let you know that your prayers have been working. Someone recently said, “Dr. Mike, before I met you and Karen and I never prayed that someone’s gallbladder would be faulty!” After a multitude of testing (or so it seemed) Karen’s doctors have concluded that the gallbladder must come out. The surgery will be sometime tomorrow. We haven’t heard from the hospital as to what time we should arrive.
Thanks so much for your continued prayers. Karen has been very sick and in much pain. Things seem to be worsening so we really appreciate our friends who are standing with us in this part of the journey. Please pray that she can get some relief and actually eat a little again without getting so very sick. We surely appreciate each of you. I will keep you posted as to how she is doing.
You are special to the Lord and to us as well.