It has been quite a journey with some twists and turns that have come upon us rather suddenly the last few weeks. We discussed Karen’s situation with our oncologist and were along with him concerned that perhaps Karen’s current chemotherapy wasn’t working well for her. We knew that it was very early with this chemo. In fact, she only had two infusions with this medicine. But still the fluid was exploding. Two weeks ago the radiologist removed 1 liter of fluid from her left lung and 3 liters of fluid from her peritoneum. Imagine! Four liters of cancerous fluid that she was carrying! Together with our oncologist, we decided to try two more infusions with the current chemotherapy to see if it could stop the fluid production.
Then the phone call came from our oncologist. Back in the surgery for the gall bladder (which was stopped because of the discovery of the cancer that had spread to the peritoneum) the surgeon biopsied one of the cancer studs and fluid. There was enough tissue that our oncologist sent it to specialized pathology testing in Phoenix, Arizona. Sure enough! The adenocarcinoma which spread to her abdominal lining underwent an unusual, but not unheard of mutation. Researchers have found that a particular chemotherapy, taken once daily in the form of a pill, sometimes is very effective in fighting this particular mutated cancer. There are no guarantees. However, we are hopeful.
We have switched to the new chemotherapy and have been on this new medication less than a week. She has filled up with fluid once again and is set to be drained again tomorrow afternoon. Karen has become very uncomfortable with all the fluid surrounding her abdominal area. We truly appreciate your prayers and will keep you updated.
It is a wonderful joy and blessing to know that so many care about us. We know that there are many, many people that have great needs. Many of these folks are dear to you and are on your hearts as well. But we are most grateful that you have room in your hearts for Mike and Karen too. Thank you for praying for my Karen. Please pray that the Lord will use the new medication to stop the fluid production as it fights this mutated cancer.