She looked over at her angry husband and said, “You should’ve been a pediatrician! You have very little ‘patients’!” We do need to grow in our patience as we learn from the Lord..
Dr. Mike Definition of Temptation
My greatest definition of temptation is this. A box of doughnuts in the company’s lunch room with a sign on it that says, “Help yourself!” My greatest help in overcoming this temptation is to read the rest of the sign that says, “Left over from staff meeting last week!” Moral of the story: things that look good are not always what they appear to be.
Dr. Mike’s Definition of Pediatric Hearing Impairment
My greatest definition of pediatric hearing impairment would be this. When you speak loudly as you are calling your child and you will hear, “I didn’t hear you.” Try whispering and watch how your child will catch every word. Moral of the story; the old nature hears what it wants to hear and ignores what it doesn’t want to hear!
Dr. Mike’s Definition of Toddler Jealousy
My greatest definition of toddler jealousy would be this. You have it. I don’t. I want it. You won’t share it. I shouldn’t. You wouldn’t. I shall grab it anyway! When you come to think of it this seems to be a pretty good definition for grown-ups as well. Moral of the story: the best decisions are often not made when jealousy is ruling. www.michael
Dr. Mike’s Definition of Procrastination
My greatest definition of procrastination would be this. Folks putting off those things that they never intended to do, until a better time which never comes, using their good promises which never materialized, until finally they forget about it, (unless their spouse has a good memory!)