“Faithful is He that calleth you…” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
I knew this word “faithful” is a special word. However, I took a moment to briefly study it out. Sure enough, it is a very special word. It is the Greek word pistos which means “One who keeps His promise, therefore He is worthy of trust.” The application of this truth will affect everything you experience today. While most folks you will encounter today will probably be trustworthy, no doubt you have met and will meet many who are not so trustworthy. Trust broken is a deep hurt. Aren’t you glad the Lord keeps every single promise? While He may not answer according to your schedule or timetable, you can count on the fact that the Lord always keeps His promises.
For today: For every situation that I will face today, I am helped and blessed to remember that my Lord is faithful. I really can trust Him. How wonderful is this!